IKFAST is a very powerful tool when a robot requires inverse kinematic solutions, so it’s necessary for us to config a customized robot ikfast plugin from scratch, which is a basic skill for a robotic engineer, I deem.
IKFAST is a very powerful tool when a robot requires inverse kinematic solutions, so it’s necessary for us to config a customized robot ikfast plugin from scratch, which is a basic skill for a robotic engineer, I deem.
This article shows how to configure a custom arm in MoveIt.
This lab comes from SE3355 *Compilers* lab3, which requires me to use Bisonc++ to implement a parser for the Tiger language.
The first time for me to construct a custom dataset and apply it in the mmdection.
The whole pipeline is as follows:
I. Collect and prepare the raw dataset.
II. Convert the raw dataset into COCO style.
III. Add and movify the mask-rcnn configuration in mmdection API to fit our requirement.
IV. Train the model by mmdection.
V. Evaluate and visualize the test dataset.
VI. Modify the result into mask image so that we can insert it smoothly in our pipeline.
在配置ROS-noetic MoveIt的时候,不可避免地遇到了一些问题。在此记录一下。
A internal talk of MVIG lab